Manufactured homes have become a very popular home option these days. Mostly because of their affordability.
With home affordability a major problem in this country, the double wide is looking to become a more likely option for many.
If price is a major factor for you, you might be surprised that you can save even more money on your new home by buying it from an auction type setting.
A lot of people are unsure about whether or not they should buy used manufactured homes at auction.
Did you know, that manufactured home auctions are among some of the most popular auction types in the world.
New double wide ready to be shipped – Sold on ebay!
Looking for a Home at Auction?
Often the reason for this is because these types of homes are a very versatile way to own a home.
Let’s get into a bit more detail.
Why Buy a Used Mobile Home?
The number one reason people look to buy a used manufactured home instead of a regular home is the affordability factor. You can get plenty of space for the price.
Even with additional quality inclusions, they still remain inexpensive enough to be affordable for low-income home buyers.
Another reason is how fast you can get into your new home. It is so much faster than trying to buy, build, and move into a traditional style home.
Finally, if you have the ability to do some of the renovation to the pre-loved home you will have an advantage over anther who is not so handy.
Why Buy a Used Trailer Home At Auctions?
Manufactured or mobile trailer homes are often sought after by many different types of people for many different purposes.
Because of this, the market for manufactured homes is always in a constant state of flux.
There will always be as many people trying to sell their used manufactured homes at auction as their are potential buyers.
Bidders at auctions are almost always guaranteed to save money on the final purchase price over buying brand new.

More Trailers on the lot
How Does the Auction Work?
Mobile home auctions take place several different ways.
One way is at what is called a manufactured home show.
For these kinds of shows you can find hundreds of different types of manufactured homes of all shapes, sizes, colors, and styles.
This can take place at a large outdoor space, or even a show room or warehouse.
Think of it like a used car lot.
Often times you can explore inside and outside the homes and decide on which ones you want to bid on.
Then at the actual auction you compete with others to try to get the one you want at the best price possible.
What About Auction Style Websites?
Another type of auction setting for manufactured homes are auction style websites.
These auctions are different because you can participate from the comfort of your own home.
However, you are not able to actually inspect and explore inside the homes themselves.
You will have to rely on text descriptions and pictures in order to decide if it is something you want.
Mobile Home Auctions Online
One good thing about online bidding is that bids usually start very low and if you do your research and are persistent, you can come out with a very good deal.
Another plus is that you are not obligated to pay any kind of fee or pay for anything unless you are the high winning bidder.
This is good because you won’t get caught up in the fast paced energy of an in person bidding war and go over your budget.
You can stick to what your budget it very easily by going to online auctions.
Final Thoughts on Buying Used Mobile Homes At Auction
Ultimately, auctions both in person and on the internet are good ways to find the manufactured home you are looking for without always paying retail prices.
Any way you look at it you can at least try to get an amazing deal on the home you want if you are willing to spend some time at auctions.
If you learn how to be sharp in an auction setting then you can look at getting an amazing deal on your used home at auction.
But, as always, like any auction, it’s buyer beware.
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